Sunday, November 14, 2010

Utter Chaos, and a dose of Melodramatasism

I think the title sums everything up properly. The PT House has entered that stage where everything is utter chaos.

I have been working extremely long hours at work, and have actually had very little time to pack. Yesterday we had a music festival at school so I was gone all day and lost that precious Saturday of would-have-been productivity.

The animals have become privy to what all these boxes mean. The cats have been doing crazy things like nocking over my jewerly box (so I get to spend my time picking earings out of the carpet and saving them from a dusty death under the radiator). My day started when I awoke to find cloe hanging from the curtains in my bed room. Kona is whining all the time and glued to your side. He has also ripped up a bunch of cardboard, which the cats have pleasantly spread all over the house.

I think the cats will be banished to the basement for atleast 4 hours today, so I can re-group from the destruction they have caused! (I never banish the cats, but desperate times cause for desperate measures!)

So today is my one preacous weekend day, and while there are many things that need done for the move I will instead be doing laundry and grocery shopping, because we need to be able to function.

Functioning is something that I am quite worried about this comming week. I do not work well in chaos... my brain gets all scrambled and I say crazy things and maybe even stutter a little...? My synapeses stop firing or something like that. I can just see it now, me standing in front of my class and having a brain wiring meltdown from the lack of order.

Plus, I think I'm coming down with something... a sinus infection? I actually feel okay, except from the constant aching in my sinuses, and that I think I actually look like death.

Why can't I be like Samantha from Bewitched and just wiggle my nose and make things happen, just like that!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The move- Status update

Random old pic for you guys!

It is now Sunday morning, and I am currently cuddled up in my palpizon chair next to the steaming hot wood stove. Today I am feeling exhausted, and the motivation to waltz around the house packing up all the belongings is really quite lacking.

This is what we have accomplished so far:

We have almost all the books packed, all my antique dishes and glass ware, picture frames/wall decorations. It is slowly getting there.

The move is in two weeks from tomorrow!

Today I will focus on laundry and groceries. If I get anything accomplished after that I will be very happy!

Right now I am dreaming of my Kitchen Island that I will soon purchase for our new house!

There are many things that I love about the new house, but the Kitchen is not one of them and here is why:

1. There is no dishwasher

How did humans live without these, wait, how did I life with out one? Hubs seems to think that this is no big deal however when paired with what I am going to tell you next you will see why I am freaking out!

2. There is about 1 foot of counter space! What!?!

Where is the drying rack going to go?! I'd understand no dishwasher if there was tons of counter space... but there is NO place to even put a drying rack, and the sink doesn't even have a divider in it!

3. There is one cabinet in which to store things.

Count it... one. That lonely number!!

So this Kitchen Island is really needed... and so is this:

We can put the Microwave on it, and cook books on the top shelf instead of the wicker basket, and then dog treats in the bottom shelf in the wicker basket. Do you see the vision that I have?!

I see a kitchen makeover in our future.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Let me dust off some cobwebs around here!

Hello, my poor neglected blog. I know I haven't shown it recently, but I really love you, and miss you. :-(

You see, several big things are going on around here... but my computer has decided to DIE on me! ACK! So I am forced to share with HUBS and we sometimes are not good sharers. There have been fights about sharing his computer.

Now I know I've made these promises before, but I PROMISE to write again soon. This particular month will be hectic because...

2. We are moving in 2 weeks (omg, omg, omg, how?!)
3. I have 2 concerts at school coming up
4. My car is slowly dying and has spent several nights sleeping over at the garage with other broken cars; while I get toted around by my colleagues.
5. We are looking at buying a new car (in the same month that we bought a house mind you...)

So my stress level is a bit high. AND when I am stressed, my favorite thing to do is sleep. AND last night when I wanted to go to sleep, a certian Hubs would NOT stop talking. So I threatened him with this lovely Haiku.

A Haiku for my Husband
last night when I wanted to sleep:

If you keep talking
Violence will soon occur
When sleep is needed

I will try to keep you posted while the PT HOUSE is on the move!!