Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas

From the Pear Tree House, to yours:
Merry Christmas!

I hope your holiday is warm and cheery!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Wonders of Cream Cheese.

Now, I probably love cream cheese as much as the next person, but today I really love cream cheese. Let me tell you why.

#1: Slather it on a freshly toasted bagel, Yum. My favorite is regular cream cheese on a Cinnamon raisin bagel. Delish.

#2: Cream Cheese Salsa. I know it sounds a bit off, but it is so good, and easy. All you need is room temp. cream cheese and a cup of salsa - mix it together, and BAM! I added black beans and sliced olives. Hubs practically inhaled it, I had to take it away from him!

#3: Sugar Cookies. No lie. I was at my neighbor's house and they offered me some sugar cookies. They were the best I have ever had. Their secret? You guessed it: cream cheese, all baked in and everything!

#4: Everyone's favorite, cream cheese icing. YUM! It is so good I could eat it all on its own, just a big spoonful of it! This morning I made Mini Pumpkin Whoopie Pies using cream cheese icing. YUM!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Oh Thank Heavens

It is Friday!

I finally made it through this week.

And it is suppose to snow at least 10 inches tomorrow.

And in Virginia, that is a big deal.

The town is going to shut down.

I desperately need to go grocery shopping, and am trying to figure out how to avoid all the crazies who will be stocking up on food for the 10 inches.

Yay Friday, Yay Snow!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Cell Phone Saga of December '09

For about a year now, I've had a LG enV2 Cell Phone. While I am not as obsessed(?) with cell phones as the average American, I enjoyed using that phone.

Until a fateful day in late November when I (for whatever reason) attempted to hug the Hubster while holding the enV2 between my arm and side. It slipped fatefully from my arm/side grasp and plopped with a splash exactly into the glass of water Hubs was holding. What are the chances?

It was completely submerged. It was soaked through! After letting it dry out for the night, I tried to start it up to see if it would work - and it wigged out. Apparently it wasn't dry yet, and was rendered useless.

Did I ever mention that I do not have a land line?

So I quickly went to ebay to search for a new cheap phone. I found a MotoQ and ordered it. The MotoQ is a smart phone, and while I was sure I wouldn't use all of it's fancy abilities I bought it anyway... it was cheap.

Did you know that Verizon had recently started a new rule where if you activate a Smart phone you must upgrade to the data plan? Don't you love how they bind you in with a contract and then change rules on you? So here I am, activating my smart phone, upgrading to the data plan... all of a sudden this is getting expensive. I decided I would try it out.

So I tried it out for about a week, and the MotoQ wouldn't hold a charge for an entire day! That, coupled with it's confusing/annoying-ness, and the fact that my enV2 was slowly coming back to life; I decided to switch back to my enV2. After all that enV2 and I had a good thing going.

So I went back to the Verizon store, and the enV2 wouldn't work. Well I tried right? So I bit the bullet and bought another phone. This time a brand new one. (Sorry ebay, I love you but not for used electronics).

Welcome to the world: my LG Chocolate Touch. It is fancy and shiny. I was surprised to find out that the charging cable doubles as a USB cable, and I even managed to load some songs onto my new Choc.Touch (even though it took me practically all afternoon). Now if only I could figure out how to make those songs my ringtones... it sounds like a simple task, my friends, but it is not. Trust me.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Excuse me while I pick up my jaw and stop drooling.

I stumbled upon this resort via A Cup of Jo's blog.

Everyone, meet Dunton Hot Springs; Dunton, this is Everyone.

Dunton Hot Springs is a spa resort on the site of a (former) ghost town. Most of the buildings, like the one below, are original to the town.

Below is a picture of the bath house, with a walk way to a natural hot spring.

Did I mention that this is an all inclusive resort?

If this place is as nice as the pictures make it seem, I am in love.
If it is better (if even possible), I am moving to Colorado.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

My Precious Devils

Look at these two.

They sure are cute.

Certainly not mischevious.

I mean, look at that face. Can you sence any wrong doing?

Uhh.... YES.
Why just today they mutilated my Christmas tree. Broken ornaments everywhere.
They sure are lucky that I didn't kick them out into the 25 degree weather outside.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My own personal form of torchure.

I feel as though I must explain my long abesnces. You see, I am a High School Teacher. We are a rare breed, and (albeit, not a positive thing...) most of us don't like our job.

High School is a very negative place, you enter this institution of learning and the halls are filled with negativity! You see it in the faces of the worn out teachers as they shuffle papers on their desk or push students through the halls (No, it is not appropriate to make out in the corner). You see it in the faces of the students when you begin class. It is literally impossible to get away from.

So some days I try to be a shinning beacon of positivity, but as the days go on I slowly yet surly get worn out. It is exhausting being the only light out there!

Then there are those days that I try to tell a joke, or be silly in an attempt to keep my students from being so serious. Only to be met with "who does she think she is" looks! Geez come on people, lighten up. A smile will not kill you.

Then there are the instances when I use sarcasm. This is great stuff. They say in college that you shouldn't use sarcasm because the students don't understand it. It is true, they really don't, and it is hilarious to see the looks on their faces. Then you have to explain to them that it was a joke, and it is even more funny: but only to you.

Now I will break down the types of High Schoolers I have come to know.
1. The Angry Annoying Type. These are the worst. They are the type that are angry on the inside and delight in bringing others down. They strive to make you angry because that is what they are: misery loves company I guess. They are the ones that shout inappropriate things out in class to tick you off, and you can either a) discipline them or b) ignore them. I have found that if you choose option a) than that is letting them know that they got to you, aka they have won. The do not care about the punishment, but relish the glory in the knowledge that they ticked you off. If you have chosen option b) then the student simply repeats action because they think you are deaf, blind, dumb or all of the above. In the end they believe that you, the teacher, are unfair and target them because no one else gets in trouble in your class...

2. Little Miss Can't-Do-Wrong Type. This is a special breed. This is the type of student that when you call them on something, for example: talking in class, they respond with "No, that wasn't me, you see...." and proceed to make up some excuse. These students are either manipulative and realize what they are doing, or narcissistic and actually believe they were doing no wrong. In either case I am very sorry if you have to deal with one of these.

3. Good student gone bad. This is the student that was awesome and some how, for whatever reason, has fallen off the band wagon. Normally it is because they are in a class or group of friends that have a few 'bad apples' (see #1-2) This is quite a tragic case, and is most frustrating for the teacher. To see someone with potential, who could be and once was a better version of themselves, is very sad.

4. The Gems. These are the students that are reliable. Wow, what a rare thing! The students that want to strive for things, that ask for help, that have morals, (that realize the stupidity of their peers). I have a hand full of these students and love them to death. It is these students that keep me going sometimes. My only wish is to keep these students from turning into #3.

Now, by the end of the day, after dealing with all of this: I am exhausted, and my creativity is shot; and that is why I have long absences between posts.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

“I would like to take you seriously, but to do so would be an affront to your intelligence.”

It is one of those days folks
, and yes it is only 2:45. A number of occurrences have, well, occurred that make me question the order of the universe and I am henceforth going to list them off for your reading and pondering pleasure.

1) It is 75 degrees today, yes, today, November 29th. I woke up this morning for church, and got dressed in my Sunday best. Sunday best = TURTLE NECK and WOOL PANTS! Excuse me mother nature, I am dressed for November 29th, what is your problem?

2) I am decorating for Christmas in 75 degree weather. It just feels wrong, and that is all I have to say about that.

3) Whilst driving home from church today, the highway was full of insane Thanksgiving Travelers rushing back to their homes. It is crazy what turkey and football and traffic jams will do to you! For instance, the south bound lane was in a traffic jam, though a minor one. My lane, the north bound, was moving at a brisk 75 mph (there's that number again!) and was highly congested. At this point a determined South Bound driver from Tennessee decided to drive across the median into the North Bound traffic RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! I. Almost. Died! Who do you think you are Tennessee driver?! In Virginia we do not pull out in front of someone going 75 in bumper to bumper traffic.

Well I gave Tennessee driver the horn, that'll show 'em. (You should be proud of me, I am normally quite passive.)

And we now know my brakes are fine!

4) Aforementioned Thanksgiving Traffic has congested my town making it impossible for me to make a left turn out of my drive way. Oh the joys of living in a highway stop town.

5) I played a solo in church today, and royally screwed it up. Its just that I was transcribing from treble clef and down an octave, and have not done that in a while. It also happened to be the only Sunday that a respected authority on music happened to be in attendance. (blush)

6) You know how after Thanksgiving ABC Family and Lifetime start playing non-stop holiday movies back-to-back? Well I have found myself stuck to the TV watching one of these channels and then all of a sudden I look at the clock and time has passed me by! "Shoot! I was suppose to be doing X, and Y, and Z, and now I've wasted my day with cheeezy holiday flicks!" is what I say. They get me every time, and don't lie because I know they get you too.

7) Olive (cat #1) was trying to eat Santa's head. That just makes me sad. Don't do it Olive, Santa LOVES you!

8) Thanksgiving break is over, and tomorrow is Monday. Oh Monday. Tomorrow I must to return to my job where I must put up with hormonal angsty teenagers once more. I love my job...
I love my job...I love my job...I love my job...I love my job...

How many times do you think I must repeat it to make me believe it?

All I have to say now is:


PS: That is Hubs most favorite word, thats for you Hubster!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Play by play on our Thanksgiving for Two

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone.
So quickly already?! Thanksgiving day was mostly spent in the kitchen; me whipping up yummy TG goodness, and Hubs on my trail cleaning up all my messes.

TG lunch was a bit of a let down! The pumpkin soup didn't turn out as I had imagined, it was actually a bit bland. It was very cute in the hollowed out pumpkins, though. We have a TON left over too... not sure what we're going to do with it!

After lunch was over I was already tireeeeed. After years of training my body to nap on TG what else was it to expect?! So Hubs made me some tea, and we kept charging on! It was time to prep the turkey... ohh dear. Something about raw poultry freaks me out to the high heavens, and how when you grab the turkey you feel the flesh slide around on the bones! (gag!) I was freaking out! And Hubs decided it was a great time to leave me alone with the turkey (you know he has raw poultry fears too!). So I was brave, and I grabbed that little turkey, and I rinsed it, and pulled out the giblets, and seasoned it, and stuffed it, and threw that turkey in the oven. I conquered. Someone had to save TG from the evil raw poultry (and you know it wasn't going to be Hubs).

Fast forward about 2 hours and I am sending Hubs to the store (I know! On TG!! How horrible!) to get more chicken broth because I used more than expected on that darn pumpkin soup. While he was gone I was whipping up all the sides at the same time, I actually impressed myself!
Hubs returned, and he was set to work carving the turkey: I'm not sure he was ready for this task, he kept saying "well... it's not perfect". Poor Hubs, he did a good job!

Then we ate. ...It was a little quiet without all the family :-(

The food was so yummy and we were so full that we didn't even eat any pumpkin pie! (I know!) So we cleaned up and spent the rest of the evening playing Wii :-D After all it was about time for some sitting down!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Food, Wine, Murder, and Hot Springs! Ohh my!

I am writing tonight from la cocina de Perry. Tonight we were serving Chicken Parmesana with a well bodied Merlot.

Ahh food. At la casa de Perry, it is one of the most cherished moments; when we gather at the table to enjoy each others company over good food and wine.

I think it is safe to say that the dinner time tradition is our most upheld tradition en la casa de Perry. In fact, I can think of non other, except perhaps to gather at the couch to watch "Biggest Loser."

I think the reason why it is our favorite tradition is because in the sacrament of the meal we have the best conversations, the best moments in which to continue functioning as a family. And when we (or most people for that matter) entertain, what do we most commonly do, but eat?

In case you didn't get the hint, I am a full supporter of dinner "a la mesa" if you will. If you don't already, I suggest you try it; and don't just try it for a day, I mean really try it... for like weeks!

In other news, Hubs and I recently attended a Murder Mystery party at our neighbor's house. You know one of those parties where you are a character, and you must mingle with all the other characters and figure out who was the Murderer!!

Now Hubs and I, being fairly new to the area, did not know many people at this party, but it didn't even matter! I was not myself, I was Elisabeth James, daughter of Sir Randolph, travelling back to England, morning the recent death of her mother, and to top it all off recently divorced... and only nineteen. What a pity, poor thing! Hubs was Eric Lassiter, Scottish steward in training, described to be a bit slow. What a pair we were. Father, "Sir Randolph", kept trying to find me a new husband, and it turns out in the end that he arranged for my mothers death. So I tried to shoot him, but alas, he had a 'dodge a bullet' card. That scoundrel of a Father.

It was a party where I talked to practically everyone! When your hunting for a murderer it is easy to talk to everyone. It was a nice change to the average social scene, but I left knowing who was the First Mate, and who killed the captain, and that the cabaret singer was such a good gossip.... not who people really were. But there was good food and wine, and we know how I feel about that.

Now, if you recall, a few posts back I talked about weekend getaways. This weekend, Hubs and I are going on a getaway of sorts to the VMEA Music Educator's State Conference, held in Hot Springs, VA. The hotel where the conference is held is called "The Homestead" and is huge, and pretty! I am excited, even though it is not quite the romantic getaway I am hoping for, it is a getaway none the less (and one which my school is paying for!!). So I am happy to say, I have something exciting, and new, and different for my weekend plans. I have plans!

PS: As I am planning my TG feast, I came across this article about a Gluten Free Thanksgiving. My Mom, Aunt, and Cousin are all on a Gluten free diet, and thought you may find this interesting: A Gluten Free Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Pre-Thanks Giving Ramble

As this is Hubs and my first Thanksgiving and a newly wedded couple, we are not quite sure what we are going to do.

Now Thanksgiving has always been one of my favorite holidays.
And its not because of all the food, and it is not because of the Macy's Parade (though I do look forward to it), and it is most defiantly NOT because of all the football games... bleh. What I really look forward to is spending time with my family.

My family has a tradition of visiting my aunt and family which makes the holiday a bit more special. For almost as long as I can remember we've packed up the van, dog and all, and traveled the 6.5 hours over the river and through the woods.

My aunt always had a way of making the holiday special, and I don't think she particularly tries or does anything grand. She would have all the junk food snacks (you know those cheese puffs that are so bad for you, but soooo good!) and then a slew of health food too, and she would have the crock pot going with mulled cider. As Rachel Ray would say: Yummo! Her house is also the coziest place on earth. Even when her house is full of people, you still have the ability to fall asleep on the couch or one of her huge chairs. A great way to celebrate what you are thankful for: Family, food, and sleep!

Now this year, as the grand kids are all grown up and married off and doing their own things; we are not going to my aunts. I have to admit I was hoping to go, but knew it was a possibility that we wouldn't. The kicker is that Hubs and I are not even getting out of town (and if you read my previous post, you know how badly I want that!!) due to his employment at Lowes and their rule of "thou shall work on Black Friday, NO EXCEPTIONS!"

Hubs and I were bummed to say the least. We were both looking forward to seeing our families, but we'll make the most of it. And I get to stretch my culinary muscles and make a feast for two, mulled cider and all.

I am already planning for Pumpkin soup... check out the recipe here. And I will be serving it in hollowed out pumpkins.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Getaway?

Sometimes I just want to getaway!! A sandy beach? Or a ski lodge weekend? Even a road trip: Hubs, me, the car, a map and a tent. Ohh how nice it would be.

The problem is, we never seem to be able to go anywhere!

There is always something that keeps our wings clipped. Either Hubs has to work, or I have some school activity on the weekend, or we have no money.

Money Money Money!!!

Part of this desire to getaway is in the fact that Hubs and I didn't have a honeymoon. There was a series of unfortunate events that kept us from the honeymoon, but mainly it was money.

There is also the fact that we've only been on one vacation ever. It was the week after finals of our senior year, and we rented a cabin for 3 nights at Black Moshannon State Park. It was Glorious. Nay, heavenly. We took our bikes, and hiked, and made mountain pies ( you know, two pieces of bread and whatever filling in the cast iron molds and put it in the fire ), and even had a bit of snow ( in May!).

Our one and only getaway.

Now all this as been brought on me because I have been planning a mini-honeymoon-getaway for Valentines weekend because I have that Monday off of school! Everything was going smoothly until my colleagues and I started planning the calendar for our school musical. Now you know how sports always come first and music second?? Well turns out that the weekend we've planned is now overlapped with spring sports tryouts, and even though we reserved the gym first, WE have to reschedule.... GRRR

So guess when we have to reschedule the musical for? Thats right: Valentines Weekend.

Ohh boo.

I guess it is not too bad, but I sure do get jealous when I see everyone else with totally awesome weekend getaway plans. So do me a favor and tell me how lame your weekends are.

Hubs and I camping!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Creative Juices

(Above: Chloe, kitty #2. You can tell by the look on her face that I have disturbed her from her slumber.)

Every once in a while I get the urge to learn something new.

When I was in elementary school, it was musical instruments. Every year I switched to a new instrument- I probably drove my band director crazy! Then it was subjects in school, English, History, Cooking Class, Art Class, and the list goes on.

Then in college I taught myself to knit. I knitted a few scarves, and I have a halfway knitted hat that is still in my knitting bag. I also taught myself to cook. I spent the Christmas break of my senior year watching food network, and knitting. One of my roommates noted upon our return:

"You came back and can cook good!!"

Of course, she was on the receiving end of my new abilities. Thank you Emeril, Rachel Ray, Giada, Sandra, and Barefoot Contessa. :-)

Well today while at work, I had the urge to come home and knit all night long. It must be the cooler temperatures make me want to curl up on the sofa with a ball of yarn. Except I didn't want to knit, especially not that half finished hat in my closet. All I could think of was these "Grandma square" afghans, of which I have inherited one, and bought a 'lap blanket' one at an antique store. Hubs and I love these blankets, as do the kitties. So I decided to try to learn how to crochet a Granny Square.

I had inherited a slew of knitting and crochet supplies as well as yarn, so why not! I searched the internet to find good instructions on how to crochet this pattern. I'm not savvy on the pattern abbreviations, so I decided on this video from youtube. Thanks Mike, wherever you are.

The thing about knitting and crochet is that it takes a while to learn how to do it, especially if you are figuring it out on your own (which is so fun!). Then once you get the hang of it you just whip out these fabulous cuddly creations.

This grandma square (below) only took me 2 hours (plus web surfing time). Ugh. But now I know how, and will be speedy with the next one. I think I will now commit to a whole blanket, the quickness of creating a square is so satisfying. You should defiantly try it. I think I will use the blue and purple yarn, and get some yellow, green, and use navy for the background, what do you think? Maybe some gray too?

(Below: Toby, Kitty #3. Displaying his love for my inherited afghan, and my new creation!!)

Monday, November 2, 2009

The difference between Cats and Dogs

This weekend Hubs and I babysat a friend of mines dog. The CUTEST mini golden doodle. He was so precious. Hubs worked most of the weekend, so it was just me and the dog, Charlie.

Now I have always agreed with the concept that there are dog people, and there are cat people (and we'll just not talk about those animal lovers who love anything!). I have always considered myself to fall somewhere in the middle but closer to cats than dogs. Growing up my family had a 'formula' 2 cats and 1 dog, and nothing more. (We did go through a phase where my brother and I each had hamsters and another when I had a parakeet and he had a turtle.) I always enjoyed my dogs, and would play fetch, and take them on walks, etc. But this weekend, I realized that I am most definitely a cat person.

Now the fact that I have 3 cats and no dog should have enlightened me a long time ago. However, I believe that we human beings change gradually and then all of a sudden we realize something new about our selves and it either rocks our world or just makes you go 'huh'. (FYI: This realization most definitely is not rocking my world.)

So I am fairly busy during the week, and on the weekend I like to do chores and catch up on rest. So I am going about my normal weekend routine but this time I have this little dog jumping at my heels, eating the cat's toy mice, and whining every time I shut the door to go to the restroom! So I took the dog for a walk, and played fetch with him outside, and played in the leaves in the yard (which he LOVED). Then I sat at the computer checking my emails or whatever, and the dog kept bringing me his toy, and I'd throw it, and he'd bring it back, and he'd but his front paws up on my arms and demand my full attention. And after I'd devoted so much time and attention to him I was feeling like:

"What!? What more do you want from me!?"

And that is when I fully realized the difference between cats and dogs. A dog will insatiably want your attention, to the point where it is annoying, chasing after a ball never gets old. Where as a cat will want your attention, perhaps once a day. A good cuddle on the sofa, or playing with a piece of string or toy mouse, and that is all they desire. Cats can find independent joy in life that does not involve you, like staring out the window or hunting bugs... they never tire of it! And I like cats because they are not demanding on my time or energy.

Now a dog person would say: "Cats are cold, they are not loving, they are not as much fun!" But I think that a dog person is simply looking for something more from their pet than a cat would give them. Or maybe they like to feel needed, like how a dog needs their owner. Who knows.

You can also do things with dogs, that you can not with cats. For instance just try to take your cat for a walk (HA). I took Charlie on a walk past the cow farm, and I don't think he'd ever seen a cow before. He practically jumped out of his fur! The cow took one glance at him and continued to eat his grass. Also you can take a dog camping with you, and you can teach your dog tricks. (I do have one cat that will do tricks, but I think she is an exception... she has many dog characteristics). All of those things are why I would want a dog, in a year or two.

I would need to get a dog that is a bit more mellow than Charlie, that is for sure. Hubs came home from work and Charlie practically jumped all over him, and after spending 15 minutes with him, Hubs said

"This is not the type of dog for us."

So at least we're in agreement on what type of dog excitement level we can tolerate: a non needy dog. :-)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Looking for a sign.

My husband and I were married this July. The year of our engagement went very quickly. We were both first year teachers, fresh out of college, teaching high school music (him Chorus, me Orchestra). We both had moved out of our parents’ houses to the lovely state of Virginia, me in the mountains, him by the beach. That year was spent traveling back and forth to visit each other, to our parents, planning the wedding, making lesson plans for school.

Need I say stressful??

Among many of the decisions we were making this past summer we needed to move into a place that would fit the two of us, and our two cats. Anyone who has moved and married at the same time knows how overwhelming the process can be.

We had decided for me to keep my job, and for the Hubs to move to my little country town. So in my limited spare time I would drive around looking for apartments/houses for rent. There were very few options: a town house in a complex surrounded by high schoolers (please, after seeing them all day I just want peace and quiet!), a shady looking place in the ‘bad’ part of town. I was starting to think we’d have to make due in my one room apartment!!

Then one day I drove past a house up the street and saw a “For Rent” sign. A decent looking place! So the next time Hubs was in town we went window peaking! Just as Hubs was picking me up to peak in the windows… the neighbor (who incidentally is the land lord’s son… who knew?!) caught us! The neighbor offered to give us a tour of the house, and so we toured, and 3 months later we were moving in.

Now here is when some more stress comes in. The rent for this house was over half my paycheck, and Hubs just quit his job to move to be with me, and we’re paying for a wedding, and school loans. We were really counting on Hubs getting a new job, but with the economy music teaching positions were being cut, not hired; and Hubs ended up working at Lowes (better than nothing right?). Not quite what we were hoping for, but we were making due.

(Warning: abrupt segue)

Our last name is Perry, and when Hubs was a teenager he had many nicknames, Pear Bear, Pear Tree, Periwinkle, etc. I was never one for nicknames, sure I wanted one, but you can’t give yourself one, right?! I wasn’t about to be the kid on the playground who gave herself her own nickname, Lame! So I pretend that I adopted some of Hubs nicknames when I adopted his last name.

(Warning: another abrupt segue… I am going somewhere with this.)

Anyhow my parents were down helping us move into the new place, and figure out what plants were in the yard and clean and all of those moving chores. My mother is a nature fanatic, she knows anything and everything about plants and flowers and birds. It would be normal for her to stare at the bird feeder and note the species of birds that come to feed. On her first trip to VA she shouted “Look! A Pilliated Woodpecker!!” and we all were excited because we know how rare that type of woodpecker is.

I had been talking with Mom about how nervous I was: ‘how can you know if we were meant to be in this town or house; maybe we should have moved back closer to our parents? Or maybe hubs should have kept his job and I move?’

“Did you know everything was going to work out when you and Dad were newlyweds?” I asked her

“You just have to trust each other, and know that God has plans for you.” She said

“I just wish there was a sign to know we’re suppose to be here.”

We continued chatting. Mom would point out that the lilac bush needed trimming, or how beautiful the peonies would be in the spring. I asked her

“Hey Mom, do you know what that little tree is in the front yard?”

“Oh, that is a Pear tree”

And there it was: my sign. The random symbol that tells me “Yes! Yes, you are meant to live here, yes this is the right town for you, yes you will be okay. The Pear tree, the symbol of our last name, ironically stands in the front yard of the only house that fit us.

Now did a tree make all my stresses go away? No way. But it does serve as a reminder to trust that things have a way of working themselves out. I now refer to our house as “The Pear Tree House” and have named my blog such.

Now we’ve been living in the PT House for 4 months. It certainly feels longer than that. We’ve painted walls, and ripped up carpet (ohh a disaster story for another day!), and weeded, and mowed. We are not in financial ruin, and we are on the whole quite happy!