Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Virginia is for Lovers

There was a time back when I was in High School that I went on a school trip to Virginia. It was the first time I had ever been in Virginia, and by golly, I fell in love! Who knew that I would happen to end up there?

Now, I am falling in love all over again! If you haven't been to Virgina in the spring, it is really the best time to go. About a week ago all the Cherry Trees were in bloom and it is such a spectacular sight to see when the whole town is in bloom. Also, my yard is awesome! Dandelions, Tulips, and Lilacs are all over the place! Hydrangeas and Peonies are on their way in about a month or so!

Virginia makes me think Spring time is for Lovers!!

When Hubs and I don't have to go to work, we have a lovely morning routine of breakfast and coffee on the patio. I could sit there all day, it is heavenly! The weather has been PERFECT, my friends: not to hot, not too cold! Also there are no mosquitoes yet!

I keep thinking how school should let out in April so everyone can enjoy this, and resume in August when it is stinkin' hot and buggy! (Yes, I did leave out some school days there... do you mind?)

I am saving my pennies so I can go wine tasting here soon!

(PS: Virginia is awesome)


Sunday, April 11, 2010

Welcome April...

...after about two weeks! I know! I was just checking on my favorite blogs and realized I haven't posted yet in April. How impatient I would be if some of my favorite bloggers did not write for that long!

There are two women that I have been watching closely because, well, the are overdue to give birth! One many of you may know, cjane, and the other is my Orchestra Director from High School. I keep checking FB and Blogger to no avail! If I am anxious, I can only imagine how they feel.

The weather here in VA has been so glorious. If you haven't been to VA in the spring, you really need to. I think that in VA, schools should let out in April so everyone can enjoy this amazing sunshine before it gets too hot, and go back to school in August! (Yes, I did happen to shorten the length of the school year... :-)

Today Hubs and I went on a long long loooooooooong walk, over the mountain and through the woods sort of deal. The weather was so nice, I didn't even realize we walked about 6 miles. I feel so healthy now, but I have been craving salt and chowing on potato chips so it's probably even right about now.

Lately I've been wanting all sorts of junk food. Potato chips, pop, chocolate, ice cream, etc. And I think I've figured it out a bit... I've been trying to eliminate High fructose corn syrup, as well as artificial sweeteners. Sweet mother, did you know that HFCS is in practically EVERYTHING!?! I am surprised it is not in these potato chips I am chowing on. Also, I've been looking for a yogurt that does not have artificial sweeteners in it and it is hard! The market for yogurt is defiantly those ladies who want no calories! What about those ladies who want calcium, and fruit, but no sweeteners? Trust me they are out there! I am trying to be healthy so here is my goal for April: drink more water, exercise a bit. Wii fit counts as exercise by the way.

Hubs' has a birthday at the end of the month, he will catch up to this old lady :-) I am getting him some sweet shoes from L.L.Bean. They are pricey, but I am hoping they last more than 2 weeks like other shoes tend to for Hubtheshoekiller.

In other news, my parents are coming for a visit this coming weekend. YAY!!! :-D