Sunday, September 19, 2010

Veridian Lifestyle

Last night I was at a Birthday party for one of my friend's big 3-0. We went to see a 80s cover band play, and in my opinion the band was good but needed a new lead female. With an 80s band you need a lady that channels Madonna or Cyndi Laupher, and not goth like this particular lady, am I right?!

Anyways I met one of my friend's boyfriends for the first time, and among other good attributes he decided to buy all my drinks for me. (Wow!) Which really equals about 1.5 drinks because I'm small. And so we got to chatting and he tells me that he subscribes to the "Veridain Lifestyle" which means, in short, that you spend your money on things that make you happy. (Isn't that what American's are really good at anyway?) So he says that he likes to spend more money on the things that he uses most, like shoes and bed. Buy a $200 pair of shoes that are great and wear them everyday for 2 years or something like that.

So it got me to thinking, do I subscribe to a lifestyle? I sure would like to subscribe to the "Veridian Lifestyle." I thought instantly of my Grandpa's mattress that is God knows how old that I have been sleeping on for 3 years now, but the "Veridian Lifestyle" is sorta about spending money... I'm trying not to spend money at all, so... problem?

So what is my lifestyle then?

I guess my recent lifestyle would be the "Conservative Lifestyle": Spend no money, use everything sparingly and in moderation. AKA the "Poor Lifestyle" or the "Put 75% of your monthly income into your student loans Lifestyle" but "Conservative Lifestyle" sounds much better, doesn't it?

What's your lifestyle?

VIA Google Image search for "Lifestyle"

PS: Google Image search "Lifestyle" and look at the options, notice that there are no pictures that show overweight people, or lifestyle choices that are unhealthy like smoking, or fast food. It seems like the actual American lifestyle is not displayed through those images, but a rather we see a facade of what American culture ought to be? Interesting.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The back to school life...

Myself teaching!

The best part of my job is.... that I don't have to work all summer long, and still get money!! (I know I'm suppose to say touching lives and yada yada yada...) The fact of it all is that being a school teacher is really quite hard, and no one ever tells you quite how hard it is because it is "such a wonderful profession to sculpt the future of our society...(and yada yada yada)". You see what I mean?

I am into my second week of school now and for the first time (ever) I feel like I know what I'm doing. Deep down I know that I really do know what I'm doing, but now I feel like it too! Something about being in that 3rd year. 3rd times a charm, or something like that?

So yes, I am enjoying my job for once... perhaps I'll start blogging about my job more often now. You see, this blog is my happy place, and school does not necessarily equal happy.

Now this is the hardest part, and really I guess it doesn't sound all that hard, but it feels hard. I don't have much time for myself. I'm up at 5:30, out the door by 7:00 at the very very latest, and home at 4:00. At which point I am either walking the dog or cooking dinner, then cleaning dinner. THEN 8:00 is the magic hour when Hubs and I crash on the couch to watch a few mindless episodes of South Park on the Netflix before crashing in the bed promptly at 9:00 to sleep. Wash, Rinse, Repeat. It just seems like Hubs and I are always tired, and THAT is hard.

This is when I hear my Mom's voice in my head telling me to take Vitamin B Complex supplement pills.

(And yes, I am writing this post at school.... shhhhh)

Now I am wondering how people with kids manage all this!? You people are amazing!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


In another life, I would be a NYC Ballerina. Ballet is so beautiful and artistic! Maybe I'll be one of their musicians instead. ;-)